KA2 -Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices: “Learning to do Business with a New Innovation Camp App”
Projectperiod: September 2018 – August 2020
Project leader: Norway
Project participants: Foss school, Lillerud School, Riga state gymnasium nr. 3 and Liceo Fabio Filzi
Project activities:
- visit each other and arrange Innovation camps
- develop an Innovation Camp App (with a developer and a designer)
- make and use a project web page
- students should have Social Media contact
- students presentation about their learning in the project at their school twice a year
- RIGA SEPT 2018 Transnational meeting for teachers to plan the project
- OSLO OCT 2018 Innovation camp, App Workshop, A Lecture on Entrepreneurship, visit a company / organisation, Filling out Europass, Evaluation. Students and teachers
- LILLERUD MARCH 2019 Activities and Participants as in Oslo
- RIGA OCT 2019 Activities and Participants as in Oslo
- ROVERETO MARCH 2020 Activities and Participants as in Oslo
- Transnational meeting for teachers to sum up project
- Multiplier event: arranged by Norwegian teachers and JA Europe
- 7. IN EACH COUNTRY APRIL – JUNE 2020: Multiplier events to spread the results
We believe that students will achieve:
- Increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
- Increased competence in foreign languages
- An increased level of digital competence
- A more active participation in society
- Greater understanding and response to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity
- A more positive attitude towards the European project and EU values, which includes free movement of goods, capital, services and labor – the “four freedoms”
- A better understanding and recognition of skills and qualifications in Europe and beyond
- Horizontal priority : Development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences
- Youth priority: Promoting entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people
Through the project “Learning to do business with a new Innovation Camp App” we want to develop relevant and high-quality skills and competences for the participating students through cooperation with companies, organizations, universities and researchers in Italy, Latvia, Sweden and Norway. This to help the students to understand and deal with the working market in Europe in order to get a job. And we will use entrepreneurial methods to reach these goals.
- Will be developed and tested during the project.