Learning to do business with a new Innovation Camp App

The benefits of the new Innovation Camp App!

Our new Innovation Camp App can be found on App Store and Google Play. If you want more information, please contact Eline Hjelle: eline@kufo.no.

Project leader Eline Hjelle, entrepreneurship teacher at Foss school

Our Erasmus project “learning to do business with a new Innovation Camp App” is now completed. In cooperation with JA Norway, JA Oslo and JA Europe we have made an App that enables fully digital Innovation Camps (IC’s), also with teams in different countries. The IC concept is now more structured than before, in the App, with phases and Steps. Below is a list with the benefits for organizers and participants, using this App.

App developer Sivert Schou Olsen, former Entrepreneurship student at Foss school


– use the Template IC, which is easy: the Template has 6 phases: Understand, Ideate, Decide, Describe, Pitch and Final, all in different colours. Each phase has several steps each and it is easy to navigate between these from the “overview” page. The IC leader only has to put in the Partner that has given the assignment and the Challenge
– also use the flexibility in the App, and make a customized IC, with a change of number of phases/steps, a change of the lenght of the IC, change the questions and more. It is for example possible to make questions, pictures, links, choose the lenght of the answers and how long time the participants can use on each question.
– follow the group’s work and progression at the App Web Page, at a “dashboard”
– approve the groups work and submissions during a IC
– receive an automatic Summary of each team’s answer, that can be shared with the jury
– profile the organizations and businesses that deliver the assignment for the IC
– give necessary informations to the participants in the App, before, under and after the IC
– arrange through the App, that the participants can keep in contact with mentors during the IC                                                                                                                                                                  – save the results from the IC for later use and learning, sharing or developing
– share IC’s with other stakeholders

App designer Markus Gundersrud, former Entrepreneurship student at Foss school


– use the App: it is self-instructing from the start, and it always says what to do at each page
– register and work together as a team
– swipe between the pages and navigate around in the App between the Phases (and the Steps in each Phase) by the page “overview”
– save the answers in each Phase
– deliver all answers, photos, links and results in the App
– see / edit their Summary (and other answers) along the way and can use it to prepare a pitch
– contact the IC organizers or the mentors
– get all needed material and information before the IC, during the IC and after the IC

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